Showing posts with label kama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kama. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

Arizona's Karate and Kobudo Classes, Schools and Instructors

Nunchaku training in Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai. Photo
 shows (from Left to Right) Dr. Adam, Sempai Scofield, Sensei
Borea and Sempai Lang.
Traditional Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate training also involves training in kobudo (the ancient art of traditional weapons), jujutsu, shitai kori (body hardening) and much more. Our adult students learn to effectively use hands and feet as well as common every day tools and the traditional kobudo tools from Okinawa used by farmers, merchants and fishermen for weapons of self-defense.

Soke Hausel also teaches private clinics with a variety of modern weapons - including magazines, books,  car keys, rocks, coins, pens, etc..
shitai kori (body hardening)
Dr. Adam poses after demonstrating use of common everyday tools for self-defense for
a typical nerd. In this demo, he used pens, classes, belt and even his trousers as weapons.
Dr. Adam demonstrated the use of the Corn Huskers tools as self-defense
weapons. He stand here with a corncob pipe, farmers hat, corncob chuks
handkerchief, and suspenders, all potential weapons.
Been to the library lately? Soke Hausel teaches clinic to Chandler librarians
 on common tools for self-defense that included cell phones, car keys,
PC computers and even books.

Dr Adam hooks back of Rich's knee during bunkai training with kuwa (garden hoe) and
bo (6-foot staff) at the Arizona School of Traditional karate in Mesa, Arizona