Showing posts with label self defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self defense. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Okinawa Gardening is a Hoe lot better with Kuwa

Kuwa - a gardening tool that packs a serious punch. 
The Kuwa (gawa or kue) is one of many traditional Okinawan kobudo weapons practiced by members of Seiyo no Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai. Better known in the West as a garden hoe; in the East it is not only a garden tool, but also a common peasant weapon of self-defense, or one of the many so-called classical karate weapons. When training with this tool in a dojo, you can use a common, everyday, hoe from your local hardware store such as Lowes, or search for a traditional kuwa on the internet. You will not find them at martial arts supply houses because few instructors teach this weapon. But when you purchase kuwa; before you take it to the dojo, be sure that the blade (igashira) is securely attached to the handle (iii)!

Years ago, Soke Hausel purchased a common hoe from a hardware store in Laramie, and took it to the University of Wyoming dojo and started teaching kihon (basic techniques). On the very first strike, using a down cut (top-of-head strike) - the kuwaba (blade) shot off the iie (handle) like it had been shot out of a cannon. Soke is know for his fast, focused strikes 

A kuwa from our local hardware store works well in training,
but the blade must be securely attached, and also the handle
is often breakable.

At the shomen (front) of the University dojo, we had a large tatami (mat) hanging on the front wall used for jujutsu. The blade hit the mat with considerable force and echoed throughout the Educational Building Gym and halls. We had no idea that garden hoes were so poorly constructed. Luckily, Soke was facing to the front of the dojo with no one was in-between; otherwise he would have had a tough time explaining to the ER physician as to how the blade of a hoe got embedded into one of the students. So now, when people visit their local hardware stores to purchase a hoe, it is requested that they drill a hole through the metal blade jacket and wooden handle to secure the blade with a nut and bolt.

The kuwa can be used in many ways for self defense. Using the kuwaba (blade) for cutting is pretty obvious, but it can also hook an arm, leg, or your attacker’s weapon. This can also be used to thrust, particularly after hooking the attacker. The opposite end of the blade known as the igashira, is for striking and is devastating when swung like a bat. 

Kuwa kata, at Arizona Hombu dojo, Mesa, AZ
As with some weapons containing a wooden handle, the kuwa has a handle that is typically the length of a jo (4-foot long bo) that can be used for horizontal thrusts and blocks. However, blocking a katana (sword) with the iie is not recommended except as a last resort. The iie can also be used for outward, inward, high and low blocks with the ijiri (pommel) used for thrusts.

Basically, only one kuwa kata has survived over the years known as kuwa no te with variations. If you are interested in a traditional kuwa, you might check the internet. Our recommendation is to buy a small hoe because Japanese kuwa are slow and cumbersome.

There is a two-person kata on the internet which uses kuwa and eku (Okinawan oar).